This is one of those albums that has just come from nowhere and hit me really hard… to the extent that a lot of truly remarkable releases from this year are struggling to get on my turntable… I just cannot get enough of ’11 43′. In actual fact ’11 43′ was released in 2017, but I’ve only come across it now, the lack of online information about it suggesting that there was very little publicity around it at the time of release. So for that reason I’m very much taking into my fold of great 2018 albums, so expect to see it again when I’m doing the round-ups later in the year.
Le rockabilly des limbes. Une voix métallique de tunnelier. Kaos Karma fait jaillir de son cerveau reptilien son premier album : Deathology. Il remonte l’histoire jusqu’au pourquoi du comment, dépiaute le blues et la country de leurs rondeurs séculières, de leur swing et de leur humanité, il en établit une planche anatomique quasi-métaphysique. Tout ce qui préexistait à l’état larvaire et faisait déjà vibrer le squelette avant que la légende ne commence…
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